Saturday, July 01, 2006


My postings are really far and few between. Teaching was difficult yet rewarding this year. But, bummer, my position has been eliminated for next year. Consolidation and budget cuts and all that. Actually, they are phasing out the middle school in my school for the replacement of a charter school which will come in fully formed and occupy our floor. We thought we were going to the third floor to continue our middle school; the agenda was really to replace us. On hindsight I should have seen the handwriting on the wall. The numbers just didn't add up. But I was occupied trying to be a technology teacher. So now I am to be a self-contained Special Education teacher to 7th and 8th graders. Not really what I want. I've got to make lemon-aid out of this somehow. All the excitement I generated for myself for the summer has fizzled. I'd intended to write curriculum for technology class; now I have to devise how to showcase myself as a content area teacher integrating technology into the content areas. This could work to my benefit if only I could love it more. Also, I have to secure my certification with a video this year and my masters. So keep posted boys and girls. I will be blogging in!!!

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