Saturday, May 24, 2008

I am retiring

Come June 2009 and it will be the end of my career as a NYC teacher. I have one more year to go and I couldn't be happier. But like the stereotypical Dominican baseball player who says, "Beisbol's been good to me", I can only say teaching's been good to me in limited ways. It really was the stop gap career choice, useful to a single mother for the schedule only. Otherwise, it's been horrific. I could detail the horrors but I will spare you.
I've decided to retire to pursue a new career while I am still young and energetic.
That being said, What will I choose?
I love books. Shoulda been a librarian. Too much study now.
I love to cook. Shoulda been a chef. Too risky now.
I love herbs and outdoor gardening. Shoulda been an herbalist/alternative healer. Hmmmmm. Hold the thought.
Cooking. Herbs. Healing. Nutrition. Education. Books. My own business. Stir it all together and Voila! Health Counselor!!!
Starting a yearlong course this July. Stay tuned. Institute for Integrative Nutrition here I come. I will keep you posted.


Akiko said...

Yay!!! This is exciting!!! I can't wait to hear mroe about this.

Man, I know the horrors -- I was there! Granted, I was only there for two years, but even that snippet of time was enough for a lifetime... although sometimes I do fantasize about returning back to the classroom. But you know the kids will miss you dearly. That's always the hardest part.

I'll be staying tuned. :o)

Unknown said...

So, what dost thou plannest on DOING in thy descriptive wetiremnt, my just and fair liege?? You cannot play-dead. Go outta bounds. Play hooky with your lifetime. No, dear, you must go full-throttle, give-it-everything-ya-gott, toots, winning souls for Jesus... or dont expect too much Seventh-Heaven or heaven at all. THIS EXISTENCE AINT OVER, dear; it's only starting when you breathe Your Last: the Great Beyond is waiting for YOU, girly.

Dont believe me? That's cool. You pro'bly haven't been to the Utopian Paradise like I have when I was involved in a severe accident in which my beautiful, bombastic, brilliant girlfriend passed away and I came back to tella youse (Im from New Yoirk/DC originally).

'The more you shall honor Me,
the more I shall bless you'
-the Infant Jesus of Prague
(<- Czech Republic, next to Russia)

trustNjesus, doll,
and wiseabove to Seventh-Heaven
where we'll have an awwwsome celebration:
Wanna join me Upstairs for the most explicit, ethereal, exhaustive, psychotic, radical, tantalizin, stupendously-kick-ass, ultra-maximum-party-hardy at my place you ever encountered without d'New Joisey accent for an eternal slew of precariously, physically magnanimous absurdities???

God bless yourindelible soul.
Cya soon...