Oh I am sooo depressed. Oh I haven't done anything with the summer. Oh my goodness, September's almost here. Oh, I am going to dieeee!!!!
Got that off my chest. Now on to other things.
I am the amazing mole woman. I've barely come out of my apartment all July. As long as I have food and my paycheck to pay bills, I'm fine. How do people not like to stay home all the time. I love to stay home all the time. Of course, give me the internet and I actually feel like I've been out all day (except my butt aches from sitting on it non-stop.)
And in other news: I think Larry tried to commit suicide the other day. I was nodding out on the couch when suddenly someone was opening my front door one morning at about 10:00. We'd forgotten to lock the door the night before. Well, I screamed "Don't come in!" and the man said, "Fire department, we need to see your fire escape." When I got something on, I let him in. The fireman needed to see if our fire escape connects to Larry's apartment, which it doesn't. Next, I noticed there was an alarm going off somewhere. At first, I thought it was a fire alarm, but it was a constant, high-pitched, single tone SCREEE, and there was no smoke evident in the hall. I finally figured out that it was the roof alarm blasting and now the firemen were preparing to break into Larry's apartment with a sledge hammer. The creepy nieghbor from upstairs was standing in the stairwell between the fourth and fifth floors and, of all things, with a bowl of ice cream in his hands, calmly eating while watching the firemen batter poor Larry's door down. The creepy guy was whining, "Could you shut off the alarm?" CREEP! To their credit the firemen conducted their emergency work ignoring him. They must see all kinds. I just turned away. He makes me sick. So self-centered. I began to assume that Larry had fallen or had had a relapse of his miasthina gravis (spelling?) and couldn't get up or maybe he called a nieghbor. After they broke that door down and looked inside, they informed me that he was fine and sitting calmly in his living room. I'm guessing he went onto the roof to jump off and had second thoughts. The man is so over whelmed. He wants a normal life but he can't even keep himself clean. I'd been giving him some tough-love advice that he must clean his clothes and brush his teeth or no one will hire him or want to be around him. I told him he needs a housekeeper and that maybe he needs to face reality and seek an adult care home before his money runs out. Well, I haven't heard from him since. I hope he gets a grip. I don't know how I can help him.
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