Monday, July 20, 2009


I say I've retired and so often I get the congratulations
from friends that I must correct with the proviso that "Yes,
but it's really a career change." And, let me tell you, one
that's scaring me to death, if I think too long on it. 
So, I've got a new mantra that I keep to the fore of all thought:
There are two days you should never worry about;
yesterday and tomorrow. Of course that's if you are doing
the right thing today. So, I am trying really hard to stick to the
plan for every today. This is a major effort against nature as
I am very much inclined to let every today slip through my
fingers in fruitless activities (one could argue, such as this one.)

To my credit, yesterday and today I did keep to the plan and prayerfully
put my feet on the path to righteous accomplishment. Believe me,
the prayer was fervent and with strong outcries, if internal,
because even when fully dressed I want nothing more than
to turn back to my bed and sleep.

Ahhh, that narcotic of old age, sleep.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


So, I've got this facebook account now. And I've become really addicted to it. And like I keep in touch with my family through it. So, like on a whim, like, I decided to type in the name of a 5th grade girlfriend who I have been thinking about for forever. And SHAZZAM, there she was on the second page of the research results of people with the same exact name. I mean this picture was just her face from 45 years ago except the hair was graying at the temples. How wild is that! I mean if she searched my maiden name she wouldn't really find me. (I've tried it) And what are the odds of her being on facebook. On second thought, the odds are getting better everyday. So we are like renewing our friendship, and comparing notes and maybe someday soon we will have time to get together over lunch. Keep you posted.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


OKAY....It's March 10th, as you can see by reading the post date, and here's the latest news:

I attended my Teacher's Retirement System workshop and it's really happening. I am retiring as of July 1st and starting a new career. No, it's not nutrition and lifestyle counseling. That was a extravagant dream. I quit. It cost me way too much money for no guarantees.

But in the name of flexibility and boredom, I am taking prep courses for a certification in Medical Records Coding. It's actually more interesting than it sounds and according to the research I have been doing, still a wide open field. Also, it's a national certification. That means I could conceivably pick up stakes and move anywhere in the U.S.A. should I want to.

I am ready for a bit of boredom if it means I can: a) maybe work at home 3 to 4 days per week and have the rest of the time to myself and or b) work in an office or free-lance/per diem and not have to think about any work related things when I come home. (Teachers and former teachers will understand this and appreciate it!)

What makes this flexibility all possible will be that I will retire with a small pension (won't even cover my rent!) and (here's the gem) my medical coverage! yeah! yay!

Well small things make me happy. Will keep you posted soon.